Are you a resident of Lebanon County or a member of a Lebanon County 4-H group for two consecutive years? At least 16 years of age and not over 20 years old? You’re eligible to compete for the title of Lebanon Area Fair Queen! In addition to representing the Fair whenever needed during the entire week of the Fair and throughout the year with parades, promotions, and the State Fair Queen Contest, the Queen will receive a $1,000 premium at the completion of her reign. If you are at least 10 years of age but not quite old enough for the Fair Queen contest, you may be interested in the Fair Princess competition instead.
Fair Queen Applications:
Alternatively: For paper Fair Queen application that must be mailed click here.Fair Princess Applications:
CLICK HERE for and online Fair Princess Application.Alternatively: For paper Fair Princess application that must be mailed click here.
Lebanon Area Fair Queen & Princess Contest Rules
Each Contestant must: 1. Be a resident of Lebanon County or currently or previously enrolled in a Lebanon County 4-H program and participated in such program for at least 2 consecutive years. 2. Attend a mandatory meeting prior to the Fair. 3. Submit a completed and signed permission form, short biography and essay postmarked by July 5th to: Andrea Harrell, 1383 Pleasant Road, Lebanon, PA 17042 (forms available in the Fair Office and online at 4. Adhere to the rules set forth by the Pennsylvania Fair Queen Program as listed below.
Pennsylvania Fair Queen Program
1. Be a female who is a U.S. Citizen and a resident of Pennsylvania. 2. Be at least 16, but no older than 20 years of age as of June 1 of the year entering the local Fair Queen contest. The Fair Princess must be at least 10, but no older than 15 years of age as of June 1 of the
year entering the local contest. 3. Be certified as the winner by the local fair where she was crowned. 4. Have not been a former local Fair Queen winner, nor a former PA Fair Queen contestant. 5. Not hold another State title for any other commodity group or pageant during her reign. 6. Have her parent(s)’ or guardians(s)’ consent to enter the competition. 7. Be single, have never been married, have not been pregnant nor given birth to a child. 8. Act in accordance with the PA Fair Queen “Behavior Policy”. * 9. Meet all time commitments, Queen obligations and “Dress Code” as set forth by the PA Fair Queen Program. * 10. Princess title can only be held once (Contestants may run until they win but once they win they cannot run again until in the Queen division).
* Items 8 & 9 will be distributed at the mandatory meeting before the Fair.
Fair Queen Competition Judging criteria and requirements: 1. Written Essay – on the topic, “What my Fair Means to My Community”, 300 words or less. Judging Criteria: content, grammar, and spelling (15 points) 2. Personal Interview – each contestant will meet alone with the judges. Judging Criteria: conversational ability, the answers to the questions, appearance/poise/presence, activities, interview conduct, and knowledge of the fair industry. (35 points) 3. Speech Presentation – on the topic “Why You Should Come to My Fair” (3-5 minutes), persuasive speech appropriate for an audience of adults. The audience is the judges, parents, fair board members, or guests. Props that enhance this speech for this targeted audience are permitted, but not required. Contestants are judged on the effectiveness of their public speaking skills, NOT entertainment. Overhead projectors or PowerPoint presentation are NOT permitted. Judging Criteria: speech content (to include agriculture), speech format, conveys the importance of PA Fairs, public speaking ability, and poise/presence. (30 points) 4. Evening Gown/Introductions – this segment is conducted on stage, Saturday evening during the coronation ceremony. Each contestant makes a personal introduction to the audience, similar to that which a fair queen would give when visiting a fair or other public speaking event. The contestant has approx. 15 seconds to make this introductions. Judging Criteria: content, stage presence, and appearance (20 points)
**The 2025 Lebanon Area Fair Queen will receive a $1,000 premium at the completion of her reign.**
Fair Princess Competition Judging criteria and requirements: 1.
Written Essay- on topic,
"What Agriculture Means to Me", 100-300 words.
Judging Criteria: content, grammar, and spelling. (15 pts)
This should be submitted along with this application. 2.
Personal Interview- each contestant will meet alone with the judges.
Judging criteria: conversational ability, the answers to the
questions, appearance/poise/presence, activities, interview
conduct, and knowledge of the fair industry. (35 pts) 3.
Speech Presentation- on the topic "Agriculture in my Everyday Life" (1-3 Minutes), persuasive speech appropriate for an audience
of adults. The audience is the judges, parents, fair board members,
or guests. Props that enhance this speech for this targeted audience
are permitted, but not required. Contestants are judged on the
effectiveness of their public speaking skills, NOT entertainment.
Overhead projectors or PowerPoint presentations are
Judging Criteria: speech content (to include agriculture), speech
format, conveys the importance of PA Fairs, public speaking
ability, and poise/presence. (30 pts) 4.
Evening Gown/ Introductions- this segment is conducted on stage,
Saturday afternoon during the coronation ceremony. Each
contestant makes a personal introduction to the audience, like that
which a fair queen would give when visiting a fair or public speaking
event. The contestant has approx. 15 seconds to make
Judging criteria: content, stage presence, and appearance. (20 pts)