

Get involved!

The Lebanon Area Fair Board would like to thank a very important group of people that make the Fair a success—our volunteers. Every year community-minded citizens work side by side with Fair Board members to bring Lebanon County a fair to be proud of. The hours are long and the work is hard, all done without pay and sometimes without a thank you. Please know your work does not go unnoticed or unappreciated.

"Every year community-minded citizens work side by side with Fair Board members to bring Lebanon County a fair to be proud of."

Want to get involved? We are always seeking new volunteers to help us present a successful event. Please contact the Fair Office at 717-273-3795 to sign up or click here to find the Sign Up Genius for the Eatery & French Fry Stand.

Kitchen – Taking orders, flipping burgers, and serving soup are just a few of the tasks performed by kitchen volunteers at the Eatery and Outside Eatery.

Trash – With thousands of visitors on the grounds each night, the garbage cans overflow quickly. Help to keep the fairgrounds clean by removing waste.

Fair Manager’s Desk – Customer service headquarters during Fair week. Answer phones, oversee the scavenger hunt, provide directions and more as an experienced member of our Fair volunteer staff.

Gazebo Staff – Answer questions in the outdoor gazebo as an experienced member of our Fair volunteer staff.

Set up/Clean up – There are signs and banner to be hung and taken down, chairs and tables to place and remove, and lots of trash to be removed at the end of the week.

Entry Check In – Thousands of indoor exhibits are checked in during a very brief window of time on Friday evening and Saturday morning. We need help making sure that every exhibit gets to the right place prior to judging.

Awarded the Zone 4 Fair Person of the Year award. Michelle works year round taking care of fair business. Although during fair week, you may occasionally see her, she tends to be extremely busy.

Trash collection crew works, from morning until night, keeping the fairgrounds looking great.

It takes an organized team to run the drive thru line for the BBQ's.

Kiddie tractor pull is a lot of fun. It takes many volunteers to supervise, set up, pull the sled, announce, and hand out prizes.

Pat, Hannah, and Harry traveling in style!

Animal show committees need lots of volunteers. Brenda hands out ribbons at the goat show.

The weight of the Fair gets lighter the more volunteers there are. Thanks for stepping up and lending a hand.

Dairy royalty serve milk and help
present awards at the 5k run.

Alice and TJ manning the secretary stand during the open horse show.

Setting up for the Silent Auction that benefits the Scholarship program.

See someone with VOLUNTEER on their back?
Ask them your Fair questions!

Linda and Rachel volunteering at the outside eatery.
Hard workers raise hard workers. So lucky to have them as part of the fair family.

The Fair Manager’s desk gets a LOT of questions, answers the phone, and makes PA announcements. Nancy is a pro!

Clerking for the animal shows can be an enjoyable event. Always looking for more help.

Tim McGowan isn't afraid to get down and dirty when it comes to keeping the crowds safe from wasps!

Clerking the tractor pulls – it’s a family affair!

Rick Kleinfelter supervising the Bologna Toss.

Kitchen helpers come in all sizes.

Michelle and TJ conferring with the Bachman's!
So much happens before the fair even opens. Dan and his crew move bleachers from a local school to the fairgrounds.
Nadine, Michelle, and Mark making sure vendors have space and electric.
Post Fair cleanup crew!

Shavings arrive and need to be spread!

Packing the ever popular doughnuts for the BBQ meals. No taste testers needed, just packers!

Cameron and Dana emceeing the talent show.

Master Gardeners sharing their skills and crafting with the kids!

Animal show committees need lots of volunteers.
Kirby makes a great ring man.

4-H Club members and parents man the drink stand.

Frying Lebanon bologna sandwiches!

I'm on my way!

Always have a medic available for emergencies.

Hog show ring men – or the “GRUNTS” as the
livestock club affectionately call them.

Large animal Auction - Keep those bids coming!

Farmers night crew keeping time and cleaning up the spills.

Helping in the kitchen to make sure everyone fills up on delicious Fair Foods!

Volunteers at the 5K race.

Keeping the small animal sale exciting.
Volunteer judges at the talent show have difficult decisions to make. It's a good thing they have music backgrounds!
Frying the French Fries might be the hottest, cool volunteer job!
Dan at the Talent Show, singing must be one of his many talents! Who knew?
Pony rides are offered by the Hoof and Horns 4-H club.
Jodi hard at work getting ready for hungry fairgoers and volunteers! 
The brilliant "Ticket Twins" keep the gates running, solve the glitches, and even help with overflow parking.
Setting up before the animals arrive.
After Fair clean up crew
Cleaning up the bleachers after the Demo Derby.
Brenda and volunteers handle the eatery with a smile.
Katie admiring the prizes for the Mullet contest. She's considering entering the contest.

At the Fair Managers table, handing out prizes for the scavenger hunt.

Milkshakes served with a smile!

It takes organization and many hands to prepare and serve 3,500 BBQ dinners. Many thanks to Carol Kreider for her leadership.

Richard and Carol Kreider are the pillars of the barbeque committee!

Animal show committees need lots of volunteers.
The hog show goes on all day and these volunteers
work tirelessly to clerk and announce results.

Dairy Royalty make a special Sundae to feed fair attendees.

Andrea and Ashley from the queen committee, pose with 2023 Fair Queen Madison Copenhaver. Andrea is chair of the committee.

The Dairy Shows require lots of help.

Ringman duties help keep calves
in line during the show.

Equipment operators spread mulch
and shavings and move manure.

One potato, 2 potato, 3 potato, and many pounds more. At the Fair, they get washed, cut, fried, and served as our Famous French Fries. OR, they get washed, wrapped, and baked for the chicken and Ham dinners. Come spend some quality time with a potato!

Liz Voight, former Lebanon Fair Queen and PA State Fair Queen, emceeing the queen competition.

Registering families for Farmer’s Night activities.
Thanks Deb!

TJ accepting the 2024 Friend of the Fair award from Tracy Barrone.

Registering and judging the specialty baked goods contest requires patience and good taste buds.

4-H club members help in the kitchen. Please consider signing up for a shift or two.

Track team.
Jodi taking care of leftover supplies! 
Jamie reviewing information. 
Linda is still busy working after the Fair is over.
Bleacher crew - they have to get all the bleachers back where they belong.
Pat makes sure the windows are clean.
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